
PhotonVision is the free, fast, and easy-to-use computer vision solution
for the FIRSTĀ® Robotics Competiton. Teams can download the
Raspberry Pi image and start tracking targets in minutes.



The Future is in Sight

PhotonVision is a powerful, open-source vision system for FRC. It's designed to be fast and easy to use, regardless of your team's financial or technical resources.

First-Class AprilTag Support

FRC Target tracking, out of the box.

Built-In Camera Calibration

Per-camera intrinsics calibration maximizes accuracy of homography

Machine Learning

Hardware-accelerated inferencing for gamepiece detection

Driver Mode Integration

You can use the same camera for driving and robot vision

Simultaneous Multi-Camera Operation

PhotonVision can run as many cameras as your hardware can handle

Multi-Tag Pose Estimation

Fuse all your available data for peak robot performance


Champs 2024 Talk

Slide Deck




PhotonVision is an open-source, community based vision system designed for use within the FIRSTĀ® Robotics Competiton that aims to provide easy and inexpensive vision tracking to teams.

Open Source

PhotonVision is the largest FOSS FRC Vision project to date, constantly being updated with new features and bug fixes.


The GNU GPL v3 license allows you to download, modify and share source code.

We're on GitHub

We do all of our development openly on GitHub. Transparency is key for every contributor of PhotonVision.